Unfold Mini Documentary
Unfold is a series of mini documentaries that uncover the secret life of individuals - artists, engineers, entrepreneurs, etc. It is created to tell stories that get the subjects to whatever stage or place they are right now. The project is meant to reveal honesty and emphasize passion.
Special thanks to Jo, for wanting to become my subject and allowing both of our artistic personalities to become more vulnerable.
Roles, Skills
Videographer, Editor, Director, Writer (story)
Tools & Skills
Photoshop, Premiere Pro
Joanne Chen
She is an illustrator and a designer based in Orange County, California. Started out really young, Jo now building her career out by working as a freelance, especially with hand-lettering and illustration projects, as well as helping companies do rebranding of their visual impressions. She’s also an incredible cook and a warm and very cheerful person.
Follow her journey on her instagram: @mydailyjo